
A post from Mike Edmunds:

Despite the recent cold temperatures and the many mauzy days in the month of July, the spirit found within the recent McCarthy’s Party Tour remained strong and enthusiastic. Several days before the start of our ‘Eastern Tour’ flights got cancelled, rescheduled, and rebooked. Our guests arrived by bus, by shuttle, landed at alternate sites, etc., but most importantly, managed to get here. Undaunted by the late and alternate arrivals our group developed an even greater desire to just hop on the coach and let the tour begin. As the usual friendships quickly formed it seemed that the tour began with an even greater anticipation of better days lay just ahead.



Each day we experienced new adventure and sites and genuine friendships deepened immensely. Each one supported each other with warmer smiles and hellos that seemed to reverse the effect of colder temperatures. Looking back and reflecting it was obvious that these adverse landing conditions and weather patterns helped solidify our new found relationships.   As we planned our farewells and good byes our spirits were once again tested with further flight delays and cancellations. Just as it occurred in the beginning the mystery of McCarthy’s Party’s Tours was ignited and revealed. When hotel rooms were just not available couples shared the same rooms. Others were resolved to socialize and interact more frequently to support each other. Finally when one last couple could not find any available hotel room, the tour guide brought them home to stay with him and his Missus. McCarthy’s may now change their motto from “Let the Locals Be Your Guide “ to “Let the Locals be your Guide and Room Provider too.”



Who says that cold temperatures and mauzy weather are a hindrance to a tour. Once again McCarthy’s has proven that with the right attitude, such challenges can work to enhance the tour experience of our super province. Just as we hear in the words of their famed song “Everyone was hearty at McCarthy’s Party.”

Thanks for listening,


Andrew McCarthy